
Renewable Inspired by the different landscapes, environments and renewable energy sources of Scotland and Indonesia. Renewable was created through an 8 week digital art residency (Dance Dialogue) between Marc Brew (Marc Brew Company) and Mariska Febriyani ( Through the residency they explored the concept of space and restrictions, reflecting on the pandemic, and the landscapes […]

BREWBAND BREWBAND is an integrated interactive music and dance production under construction, where boundaries between musicians and dancers blur as they take on each other’s role. An immersive production that challenges perceptions of identity and blurs boundaries between art forms: melding visceral rock music with delicate soundscapes, interweaving BSL and projections and blending explosive and […]
공·空·Zero: Restriction, Body and Time

공·空·Zero: Restriction, Body and Time 공·空·Zero: Restriction, Body and Time is a dance performance by Marc Brew and Bora Kim. Commissioned by the British Council, South Korea and supported by Creative Scotland, this piece was created in Seoul to be premiered at Arko Arts Theatre, Seoul as part of the closing programme the year long […]